Baby Brinley is finally here! She is a doll. I am so glad she is here. Can't wait 'till she is old enough so I can teach her how to talk. She is so little. I am glad that she is a cutie. So here is some photos.
This is really cool yet again, weird. One day I was eating some Goldfish and saw a triple Goldfish. It was pretty exciting to both me and Bubba. I took a picture of it because I thought it was awesome! Sooooooooooo.... here it is!!!!!!!
Christmas was really fun this year. Everyone especially me got spoiled. It was the best Christmas ever! We ended up waking up at 5:00. I was up at 2:00 but finally got my parents up. We got to see our presents on the couch with our stockings. My parents let us open up mine and Brea's American Girl dolls. Then we got to unwrap our gifts. I got lots of stuff. It was the best Christmas ever!